Sierra Leone | Living a Life of Faith

Rev. Plummer Bailor holds a diploma in construction engineering, an undergraduate degree in physics, and a master’s in organizational management with a concentration in organizational leadership. Twenty years ago, Plummer Bamasa Bailor answered the call to ministry. Over the last 19 years, Plummer (or Pastor “P” as he is fondly known) has served as assistant pastor at Greenbelt Foursquare Church, senior pastor at Brentwood Foursquare Church, founding pastor of The Refiner’s Foursquare Church, and divisional superintendent in the Mid-Atlantic District of the Foursquare Church. Currently, he is the senior pastor of Ignite Flint Foursquare Church, a multicultural congregation located in Flint, Michigan, where his wife, Lorraine, serves with him as co-pastor. The couple co-founded The Refiner’s Place, Inc., a Christian organization whose mission is to strengthen and resource churches around the world. They partner with congregations and civic groups to conduct training and...