Iscandari Family Announces New Design Contest to Solve Everyday Sierra Leonean Problems

L-R Engineer Abdul Iscandari, Abu Iscandari (center) and attorney M. Alieu Iscandari The Iscandari family has announced that it will be giving away one thousand U.S. dollars each year as prize money to an engineering student whose design will help solve at least one problem in Sierra Leone with a solution based on engineering. The design must be cost effective to produce and with products easily obtainable locally. "The idea came from watching fishermen at Lumley beach and other beaches around Freetown Peninsular use logs and muscle strength to pull their boats off the water onto the sand for repairs," M. Alieu Iscandari explained. "I saw that the effort could be vastly reduced with technology. "This Prize is dedicated to all members of my family who are engineers, including my father Abdul Mutallib Iscandari Snr. and my [late] uncle Dzul Gharanine Iscandari," the California based attorney said. Closing date for submissions will be Tuesday, February 25, 20...