
Showing posts from March, 2019

Violence: the New Normal for Fourah Bay College Clubs, Fraternities and Sororities

Alhassan Jalloh, a former student at Fourah Bay College (FBC), graduated in the 1990s. Comparing the level of violence on campus now to his time at FBC, he said it is a "totally new phenomenon." Club initiations were "a bit physical but not in this kind of way,” he said. Alhassan, whose cousin fell victim to (violent hazing) said that when visited his old club during a trip from the United States, he found things were different from the way it used to be. He blamed the present scenario on post-war mentality. Dr. Edward Nahim, the only Sierra Leonean psychiatrist for years, defined violence as: “infliction of physical or psychological harm on an individual for him or her to feel severe pain or discomfort.” He said that though student violence is not new, the war and (mind-altering) drugs have accelerated the rates of violence among students. He pointed out that the main reason for students embarking on violence is drug abuse. “I spoke a lot about drug abuse at the u...

World Happiness Report: Sierra Leone ranks 129th

This week the United Nations published findings of its survey examining world happiness. This is the 7th World Happiness Report. The first was released in April 2012. Almost all the top-ranked countries from 2016-2018 were oil-rich states and countries in Western Europe, North America, and East Asia. There were also countries in  Central America and the Caribbean.  The survey shows that African countries are struggling with happiness. Here's how member states in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ranked in descending order: Nigeria 85 Ghana 98 Ivory Coast 99 Benin 102 Senegal 111 Niger 114 Burkina Faso 115 Guinea 118 Gambia 120 Mali 128 Sierra Leone 129 Togo  139 Liberia 141 ***The World Happiness Report is a survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be. This year’s World Happiness Report focuses on happiness and the community: how happiness has evolved ...

Sierra Leone's Energy Situation, with John Baimba Sesay

Energy experts say most parts of Sierra Leone still have no access to a grid. Distribution lines were destroyed during the civil war, and old equipment still in place need to be replaced. With poor energy efficiency, the existing network is considered "very old" and there are immense power losses in the generation, transmission, and distribution. Many companies are forced to rely on diesel generators. New commentary by John Baimba Sesay, a former press officer in the Ernest Koroma administration, provides new insights for this timeline of Sierra Leone's energy situation as it unfolded 2007-2018. 2007 "Freetown was a dark city, with electricity supply to the city being at 5MW. But then, the government engaged the services of an independent power provider, as a short term emergency measure, to provide electricity to Freetown...There also was the rehabilitation of the Bo/Kenema Power Station thermal plants eventually expanding power generation from 2 to 5 MW. The...

British Court finds African Minerals Ltd not liable for Sierra Leone Police Brutality

"African Minerals Ltd (AML), created the infrastructure to mine and transport iron ore in Sierra Leone, leading to significant local unrest," writes Stephanie Hawes in Lexology's " Mining company not liable for acts of police ," published March 5. However, "the court held AML was not liable to the claimant local residents for the acts of brutality towards them by the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) who were attempting to restore law and order." Hawes, a lawyer at Allen & Overy, says the Kadie K. vs. African Minerals Ltd & others case is "an interesting case for companies, in the extractive industry sector, concerned about their exposure to human-rights-related risk including in relation to the acts of security forces."  Read on.   This case deals with several key tortious principles relating to acts of third parties and will be of particular interest to companies in the extractive industries monitoring their exposure to human-rights-relat...